A Secession Crisis Enigma

A Secession Crisis Enigma
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The Diary was not a diary at all but a memoir, probably written shortly before it appeared in print. The mastermind who created it, New York journalist William Henry Hurlbert (1827–1895), successfully perpetrated one of the most difficult feats of historical license—he pretended to have been a diarist who never existed. But Hurlbert’s work was far from fictional. Time after time, the Diary introduces material virtually impossible to fabricate along with previously concealed information that was corroborated only after its publication. The Diary bristles with precise details regarding the struggle to shape Lincoln’s cabinet and the composition of his inaugural address. A Secession Crisis Enigma, which includes a full text of the Diary in an appendix, offers a bold new perspective on the frantic scramble to reverse southern secession while avoiding the abyss of war. Hurlbert, a long-forgotten eccentric genius, emerges vividly here. Part detective story, part biography, and part a detailed narrative of events in early 1861, this book presents a compelling answer to an enduring mystery and brings “The Diary of a Public Man” back into the historical lexicon.